
 Six months old.  I just can’t believe it.  When did this sweet little sack of flour:

IMG_0441become this busy, curious, moving, mess-making, scooting, rolling, crawling, sitting, babbling, giggling bundle of joy?  1-6Things I want to remember about my boy at 6 months:

– Did I say he was an amazing sleeper?  Scratch that.  Somewhere around 4 months we went seriously downhill and haven’t quite turned it around yet.  He goes down like a champ at 7-7:30pm, but then we’re usually up between 2-3 times a night.  Sometimes hungry, sometimes just happily babbling away to himself (night owl?)  Last night around 4am I noticed some weird sounds coming from our monitor, and when I went in to check on him, he had somehow ended up with the monitor unit in his crib and he was having the time of his life with it haha.

–  We started him on solid foods a few weeks ago.  Check out my last post for all the info on that journey.

–  He’s just started to sit on his own for a few seconds up to a minute or two on his own before toppling over or dive-bombing for a toy.  It makes him look so much older to see him sitting up!

– Although he’s been army crawling for awhile now, he’s also started tucking his knees under, pushing his chest up higher, and rocking back and forth.  Sometimes he’ll launch himself a bit into the old army crawl.  We’ll have a four point crawler in no time.

– He loves shoes.  More specifically, he loves licking and slobbering all over shoes…especially the bottom- yuck!  I’m frequently pulling Joe’s flip flops away from him.  The other day in church he was on the floor with me in the back of the primary room and one of the teachers had bright floral stilettos.  And boy did I have to work hard to keep him away from those, the mother-load of all shoes (:

– Over the past week he’s been much more vocal, babbling and gurgling a ton.  And he went through a phase over the last month where he loved to growl.  He loves to fake cough.  But his all time favorite right now are sneezes, fake OR real.  Whenever I sneeze, I know I can open my eyes to see him grinning at me from ear to ear, double dimples and all.

– He’s quite the determined, curious little guy.  This week I caught him trying to eat the scrub brush on the end of our mop.  He pulled off the door stop from the wall, and the lid from the wipes.  And no amount of pillows can block him from his favorite spot: under and behind our living room end tables (where all the cords are…)  We’re constantly upping our baby-proofing game.

four months 4x6five months 4x6  six months 4x6

Even as exhausting as it can be sometimes, I think one of my favorite parts of motherhood is watching him grow, learn, explore, discover, change.  Spending all day every day with him, I hardly notice it happening.  And then all at once I stop and think, “This is new.  Wait he wasn’t doing this before was he?”  or I study his face and his movements and it seems like something’s a little different, he’s a little older all of a sudden.


What I can’t capture on film, I’m desperately trying to write in my memory.  Because the thing about growing and learning and changing is, once you do it you can’t go back.



the hills

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