yum? yuck.

We have entered a new phase of babyhood.  A new phase characterized by finding bits of rice cereal in our hair, squash smeared on mom’s shirt, and an increase of baths due to frequent food fights feedings.


On Carter’s 6 month birthday we treated him to his first bites of rice cereal.  He was very intrigued, and overall quite pleased with the gift.

1-2 He slurped it all up with very little mess to speak of.  Loved it.  And after it was all gone, he made a grab for the bowl we inadvertently (rookie parents here…) left on the tray.  I can’t say I haven’t been known to lick the ice cream bowl a time or two.  We must be related.

1-4 Since then however, we’ve gone a bit downhill.  We’ve moved on to oat cereal in the mornings, rice cereal at night, and just this week, butternut squash.  Rice cereal is by far the favorite of the three, although he’s getting better.  There may have been a gag or two (or 20) on the squash.

Its been a bit of a rockier transition than I was expecting.  He’s not loving everything.  But also more times than not, he’d just rather nurse.  With a little trial and error, we’re figuring it out.  And he’s gotten much better already.  Don’t worry buddy, fruits are coming, and they’re much yummier!  I was also hoping introducing solids would help him sleep through the night a little better, but no luck yet.  Someday…


the hills

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