about us

We’re the Hills.

I’m Darci.


I love to…

shop clearance, decorate walls, bake yummies, read page-turners, hike to beautiful views, swim for miles, play board games, and lick the brownie bowl.

I also love this guy.  Joe.

joe sized

He loves to…

watch soccer (go sounders!), relax at home, hike/camp/backpack/anything outdoors, run for miles, play board games, and eat brownies.

We fell in love as fellow Spanish students at Brigham Young University, and were married on December 29, 2009.

Since then we’ve been through a lot together, and our love has only gotten stronger.

Darci finished her degree at BYU in Communication Disorders and Spanish, and went to work as a Speech Language Pathology Assistant.  She loves hanging out with 3 year olds and teaching them to say their “k” sound.  And other such things.

Joe finished his degree at BYU in Exercise Science and Spanish and went on to complete his doctorate in Physical Therapy at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA.  He also loves the pediatric population, and loves seeing the joy that comes from a disabled child taking their first steps.

In our journey to start our family, we battled infertility for about a year and a half.  We were finally able to get pregnant for the first time in May 2013, but lost the baby at 14 weeks in August 2013.  She tested positive for Downs Syndrome.

Our second pregnancy also ended in miscarriage, this time at just 7 weeks in May 2014.

We know that many couples struggle with infertility and miscarriage, and we’re determined to let our voice be heard if it means we can help any with this struggle, or even with completely different, but equally difficult trials.  It makes being so open and honest about our life worth it.

Thanks for stopping by our little blog!

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